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admixture types

Polyurea is generated through the chain reaction between isocyanate prepolymer and specially mixed polyetheramine. It is a polymer material that has the urea bond within the molecular structure. It is a ultra fast hard material as the reaction speed of the resin is very rapid, with 3-30 seconds of gel-time (The cementation speed can be controlled)

POLYUREA is a 2-component type polyurea-based protection system by plastic materials, material for which the high-temperature and high-pressure spraying method is used.

It is a 100% solidified and environmentally friendly material, which is characterized by 0% of volatile organic compounds.

The structure formula of its reaction is as shown in the right picture.

This resin has consistent reactivity, without being highly influenced by the change in moisture and temperature. However, if there is moisture on the floor, its adhesion capability will be degraded. After cementation, it provides excellent mechanical property and durability, allowing strong attachment on the sprayed object and providing excellent corrosion-proof property. Compared with existing protection system by plastic materials, it provides superior abrasion-resistance, chemical-resistance and impact-resistance. As a strong point, it can be flexibly applied to meet any given requirements, depending on how to manufacture materials and which materials to use.?

The research and development activities for new technologies for polyurea have been actively progressed. Depending on purposes, the polyurea spray elastic body can be widely used for various commercial applications, such as steel pipes for drinking water, facilities for drinking water, steel structures, marine structures, oil leakage area protection, explosion-proof facilities, concrete structures, fiber, wood, and re-protection system by plastic materials, of foams.?